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Thursday, September 09, 2021

Update #5: 9Sep 12:55pm



It’s been a good day.  

Respiratory therapy switched her ventilation mode to CPAP (meaning she’s responsible to initiate breathing and the machine just provides a little additional pressure support).  She’s been doing that since 6am continuously.  Then they performed a number of tests of her ability to generate pressure and volume to show she is ready for extubation (endotracheal tube comes out and she is free from the ventilator to breathe on her own).  I must admit this is a terrifying moment.  The ventilator has done a great job of keeping her alive so a little hard to take that off.  And we know that if she needs to be intubated again it will be difficult.  It took three attempts in the Emergency Dept to intubate her Monday evening.  She’s always had a limited ability to open her mouth widely and dentists throughout her life have berated her for this.  So, hoping that once the ET tube is out…it will stay out permanently.


She’s extubated!!!  Breathing on her own!  She looks great without the tubes and tape all around her face!  What. A. Relief.

Of course, we are ready to have conversation—but she’s tired.  Worn out by the bathing, the constant nursing neuro checks, and now the extubation.  

We began to recount events again and she just grimaced and lipped “Don’t remember”.

Let me close this brief update by sharing a moment from the morning.

We noticed that left eye open, scanning around for us.  She’s awake.  So we come to the bedside and greet her, squeeze her hands, talk, ask questions.  She gestures a motion of writing with her right hand.  We hold the little tablet up and she scribbles in barely legible caps: T-O-D-A-Y?  We explain the date, time and place and again review the events of the week.  She raises an eyebrow and gestures to write again: P-L-A-N-?  Yes, our Jennifer is back.  She is awake and she wants to know what is the plan?  Of course, what are we waiting for?  We laughed.  And cried, too.

This feels monumental to me.  A quantum leap forward in recovery.  An answer to prayer.  So, we’ve gotten some good answers to:

Preservation of cognition. Getting off the ventilator.  

Still requesting prayer for the right eye issue—she has some vision there, but the pupil is still dilated, the eyelid droopy, and the eye motions not normal. Eye docs will probably reevaluate in the next 24 hours.  She will also be having a repeat CT scan—and an MRI—tonight.

I’ve had a number of people share Psalm 46 with me this morning so let me close with that.

Psalm 46

God Is Our Fortress

    [1] God is our refuge and strength,

        a very present help in trouble. 

    [2] Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,

        though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, 

    [3] though its waters roar and foam,

        though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah

    [4] There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,

        the holy habitation of the Most High. 

    [5] God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved;

        God will help her when morning dawns. 

    [6] The nations rage, the kingdoms totter;

        he utters his voice, the earth melts. 

    [7] The LORD of hosts is with us;

        the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah

    [8] Come, behold the works of the LORD,

        how he has brought desolations on the earth. 

    [9] He makes wars cease to the end of the earth;

        he breaks the bow and shatters the spear;

        he burns the chariots with fire. 

    [10] “Be still, and know that I am God.

        I will be exalted among the nations,

        I will be exalted in the earth!” 

    [11] The LORD of hosts is with us;

        the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah


The Nelsons said...

Praising God for answered prayers while continuing to pray for your family and Jennifer’s recovery!

Will & Theresa Reed said...

Rejoicing with you at this news! Prayers continue for full healing and patience in the process.

mama mpishi said...

So very thankful for answered prayers and your updates about them

LongJnSilver said...


Martha Wagar Wright said...

WOW!! Just - YAY!!! Can't tell you how wonderful it was to see that picture of the two of you. So so so thankful for her amazing progress so far. Plan? (I had to laugh, too.) Looking forward to seeing what God does. Much love and prayers as always from Martha

ari said...

So so so much happiness :)

Holly W said...

Praising God for answered prayers, progress, and PLAN (laughing and crying at the same time!).

Tisa said...

Such wonderful news! Continuing to pray for full recovery for Dr. Jennifer and God's peace and comfort for all of you.

Mara’s said...

Yay!!!!! Praising God for answers to countless prayers from around the world!!!! Amazing news. Xx

Derek and Lauren said...

Rejoicing with you and continuing to pray for complete healing and recovery.

Unknown said...

BEST NEWS EVER - so thankful. Better get going on that plan, Scott. So SO SO thankful
Love, Mary (&John)

Unknown said...

We are really grateful to God. This is the best news today!

Lisa G. said...

Scott, This is wonderful news! Paul and I are praying here in Durham, NC. Thank you for sharing. May the peace of God envelope all of you in this unexpected chapter of your lives.

Sarah said...

Rejoicing with this news! Tearful at that beautiful photo of you two. Laughing at the “plan?” Question 😂🥲♥️ Continuing in prayer. -Sarah crane

Ashley Wood said...

Have been thinking and praying for you all through each day. Rejoicing with this news and progress! Love you all! Ashley W

Unknown said...

Praying in Prague. And I love the picture of you two - so much love! -The Syvertsens

Mutegheki@Joshua said...

Grateful to God and cold tears of joy so so happy

Lyds said...

So very thankful to hear this news! And such a joy to see the picture you posted. Praying for continued progress and whole healing. Much love. Lydia

Unknown said...

It is such a great news to hear dear Dr Scott: Always praying for continued improvement.
With lots of hope, Isaiah Kule

Sally said...

Thanks be to God! I've been remembering my own reawakening and praying for Jennifer and you to know when to follow (submit) to the healthcare team's advice and when to advocate for more. I'm continuing to pray for the forward march of recovery.


Great news for us, Almighty God thank you for remaining faithful to us and for constantly answering our prayers. We shall continue praying until all is well.

The Mathison said...

This is such great news! You all have been on our hearts and we have been praying constantly. -Brock and Nicole Mathison

Hunter Dockery said...

Dear Friends...All our love and hope for your recovery. We give thanks for you and God's great mercy. Hunter and Julie

Laura 20:24 said...

Wonderful news! Praise the Lord. So happy to hear she is back—and wants to know the plan! Continuing to pray for you all.

amyh said...

Weeping weeping tears of joy and thankfulness. I continue to pray!!!

Unknown said...

Yeah, Jennifer!! So happy for you and your family. Glad that you are off the vent and on your way towards recovery. Prayers and love from the Carrigans.

Kathy P. said...

Thanks be to God !

Heather Pike Agnello said...

Crying in my car as I wait to pick up my kid from school. So very thankful. Also, I love that pic of you looking at her. So. Much. Love. He is an ever present help in trouble, for sure. Love you all so much.

Unknown said...

Glory to God on the highest,it's well with Dr.Jeniffer and Scott plus entire family.we continue in prayers as a family.

Stephanie Carrigan said...

Yes!! What awesome news. We are rejoicing with you and praying for continued healing. Hold fast in hope for God is faithful. —the Carrigans

Jericho said...

This is the best news and best picture I have seen in a long time!!! I am crying happy tears! ❤️

Unknown said...

Scott, I am beyond thrilled & thankful for Jennifer's continuing recovery. She is so strong. I'm praying constantly using your prayer requests (very helpful). I'm holding you & the entire family in prayer. Love to you & Jennifer. Cousin Deborah

Paul Miller said...

Praise the Lord! This is so good to hear.

Unknown said...

Praise God! We continue to pray but are so very thankful for this good news! Dave and Margie

Diane VT said...

Praise God for answering prayers for breathing on her own & returning cognitive ability! Love the Plan question! We continue to pray for continued healing, & wisdom for you & the doctors.
Love, Diane Van Tuyl

Sandi Hoogland said...

Such wonderful news! Songs of praise! And prayers for the long road ahead of further recovery. Such a beautiful picture. Thank you again for sharing this and for all the updates.

lucyanngreen6 said...

I’m overjoyed to hear news of such wonderful progress! And your joy, Scott! Praise God!

Unknown said...

Thank You Jesus! We trust You for her right eye's full recovery! Amen.

Lilian & Bob.

Jan said...

Tears of joy. Praise God!

Ruth said...

Following and praying!

bill said...

The Boilt's have been praying for you guys. Blessings,

warrenandlindsey said...

Praise the Lord!!!! What wonderful news!

mercygraceword said...

thank you for sharing the encouragement of God's answers thus far. He is good and all He does is good.
Continuing to pray with joy... your joint work has been such an inspiration and blessing.

Marilyn Woolard said...

Praying for you all with gratitude for Jennifer's progress. Will continue to pray with hope for improvement in all areas and for the comfort of those closest to her. Also for clarity, skill, wisdom and diligence on the part of the medical team caring for Jennifer.

Unknown said...

Glory be to God. This is great news. We are thankful to God.

Mindy Belz said...

Praising God for this hard testimony and for Jennifer's progress, and our prayers continue for her and the whole family. Mindy Belz

Byanga Ivan said...

Thankful to God and the team of health workers without forgetting everyone's part in this.So happy so far!

Unknown said...

All the Glory be to our Lord Jesus Christ. Psalm 34:4-5.

Anonymous said...

Prayers for Jennifer’s recovery and strength & peace for the family as you walk through this journey.

angeline said...

Wow isn't God great! Praying for her and also thanking God for her progress so far.

LongJnSilver said...

PASSIONATE, HEARTFELT PRAYER for you, Jennifer and Scott & Kids today in our Serge Tuesday Zoom! Know how much you are LOVED & HONORED by your company family! - Johnny & Becky for allus