Monday, December 31, 2007

Jan 1 and Dec 31, beginning and end of the year

Today we spent with Jonah’s family, trying to give them a breather from mourning, a bit of green grass and sunshine and pizza and coke. Julia the jewel entertained with soccer and Speed Uno, and by the end of the afternoon the bigger girls were at least smiling and the youngest giggling. I realized that we began 2007 with Jonah’s family at his house—a year ago (Jan 1, 2007) we celebrated the 10th anniversary of a previous New Year’s Day feast (Jan 1, 1997) by visiting at their farm for the day, including slaughtering a goat and eating together. That day we thought we were entering a new decade of partnership . . . Today however we brought closure to the grief of this year, and reaffirmed our ongoing friendship and commitment in spite of Jonah’s death. We took a pause in the pizza fest to ultrasound the new baby, who is growing perfectly on schedule for a March 19th arrival . . . and looking rather male (Scott's 95% sure) which made me cry and Melen too, after five girls. We’ll see. Love breaks through and finds a way even in the greatest of losses.

None of my kids want to leave tomorrow for our Team Leader retreat, a meeting scheduled a year ago for Austria, tickets long paid for, and a break we think we need. I understand their longing for home at this moment, and it is not without a good helping of guilt that we will leave for two weeks. The hospital is just beginning to get busier again, and it is hard to leave the staff struggling. But 2008 will begin tomorrow with transience and travel, reminding us that we are sojourners at best, longing for true Home.
For those who surf for the sake of the Ebola numbers...

Current Admissions: Bundibugyo Hospital 3 currently admitted; 1 of which was a new admission--there were 5 discharges. Kikyo 1 current admission and 1 one discharged.

Total cumulative cases: 146
Total cumulative deaths: 36

Contacts, total: 767
Currently being followed: 275
Those who completed the 21 day follow-up: 408
Visited today: 263 (95%)

Au revoir and Happy New Year!!!


  1. Years ago I heard a talk by Dr. Dan Fountain where he discussed some of the ways where God's priorities for us at the moment may not seem to make much sense in regard to our usual expectations. In specific, he brought up one situation in the Gospels where "people were coming from all around the countryside" to be healed by Jesus. He suggested perhaps Peter wanted to set up the "first medical missions clinic", since it seemed so popular as well as addressing real needs. Imagine Peter's confusion when Jesus woke them up early to leave town before "clinic opened".

    Of course it is appropriate to be concerned and feel conflicted about the needs while you are gone, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't feel free to go to the retreat. (I'm not being presumptuous by giving my opinion as to what you should do- I'm typically not sure about the details of what I should do- just passing on the perspective of another veteran "medical missionary", if it may be of any help).

  2. * i'm not sure if they yodel in austria, but even if they don't, i think you should. hope y'all get to relax and enjoy one another while you're away from home.

  3. It brings me quiet joy to witness the return of a more regular way of life - my prayer answered. Thank you for sharing yourselves through painful and uncertain times.


  4. You don't know me but I am a sister in Christ and a friend of Donovan and Wilma Graham. I am blessed to be part of the family of God where we weep together and rejoice together. I have wept with you over the past several weeks. I am a teacher and my classes have read and prayed for you and for Uganda as they kept track of the Ebola crisis. It seems so far away and yet so close when we can read first hand what our brothers and sisters are experiencing a world away. THank you for sharing what is so intimate and raw. The Gospel is not safe, but it is secure. Praise be to the One who holds us all in the palm of His hand. Be assured that you are being carried to the throne room often and have many of us who are praying for you all as you walk this road.

  5. Again your blog brings sadness and tears, and also a joy. If words can express love for our sisters and brothers in Christ, yours do. I love the photos of your two families gathering. The connection of past, present and future. Gods love is so strong through you. From sadness and loss to new hope and joy to come.
    God's son, the Christ child brought hope to all people, and the new child waiting to be born will bring new hope to his people too. My prayers for Jonah's family. Prayers for the Myhre family for deserved rest and time to enjoy family togetherness away from the daily threats of illness and problems.
    Love and many prayers, Carol

  6. May your time in Austria be restful and refreshing. We pray for you and all those you work with. Thank you for your faithfulness.

  7. I have been reading tonight about your work in Africa and the recent ebola cases. Your commitment is inspiring. I just wanted to reach out and wish the Myhres well.

    David F. Schwartz

  8. I am fairly new to the blogging world and I recently asked my readers to recommend a blog that I can check out. Many of them listed friend's and others chose blogs that inspires them and your blog was put forward. I would like to invite you to come visit my blog, and you will be entered into a drawing to win a sweet RAK. I am so glad that I was informed about your blog. Hope you will come play :) Kim Hughes
