Sunday, March 09, 2008

Goodbye to Scott Will

Our hearts are flowing with thankfulness for Scott Will’s six months here, he was literally a God-send, yet also over-flowing with the inevitable sadness of goodbye. We hosted a candle-light and kitengi dinner out under the bougainvillea last night in his honor, then a bit of humor, some good stories of how he stood with us in the Ebola days, and lastly prayer. I will include below the last few lines of a poem we wrote, because if we don’t laugh we’ll just cry. Think Dr. Suess’ Green Eggs and Ham to get the cadence, and imagine the dialogue to be between us and the WHM Sending Center convincing them to send Scott Will back:

Say! I think Scott Will will do!
He can go from here to there
With World Harvest anywhere.
He can manage snakes in the house,
He can dispose of bugs or a mouse.
We’ll send him up the steepest rocks
We’ll trust him with a deadly pox
We’ll hope he doesn’t spill his blood
When slogging through the deepest mud.
We’ll not worry over heat or rain.
We know Scott Will won’t go insane.
He can take charge of dairy goats
Even in a place remote.
Scott will will do, yes he will do
Scott Will will do it all, it’s true.
Yes we see Scott Will will do.


  1. The perfect poem for the perfect guy when you needed God to provide him. In the little time I had to get to know Scott, I immediately realized what a huge blessing he has been to your team. We will pray God is already calling the next perfect guy - though Scott Will will do, and has seen you through.

  2. Yay for Scott Will! What a guy! I've been blown away by his faithfulness and faith. Safe travels, and prayers for continued provision for your team, and for Scott Will!
