Sunday, March 16, 2008

A post for Kevin

CSB’s football team won their second match of the season, against Kakuka, 7 to 0 on Saturday.  They came out strong with beautiful passing and team work.  It was amazing how quickly and deftly they scored.  Mid-game was a mire of careless booting the ball, but in the later second half they revived their style.  Some of those boys have been coached for five years or more by Kevin and Alex, and it shows.  Besides good coaching, consistent practice and a real field to play on, our team  also had shoes, a clear advantage, I actually wonder if we shouldn’t try to have a stash of shoes for our opponents just to make a better game . . . Scores were made by Birungi (2), Kasoke (2), Richard (2), and Abdul (1).  Richard also had two great assists on Kasoke’s and Birungi’s scores.  Luke is practicing with the team even though he can’t play, just to benefit from Alex’s discipline and exercise; but I also sponsor five boys actually on the team (two starters who are among the strongest players, and three boys who at least get to sit on the bench in uniform and feel a part of things . . . ) and it gives me joy to watch them play and succeed.  So much of their life hovers at the margin.  Most of them are thrilled with grades that eek them past failure.  The kind of clarity that shines in a 7 to 0 score comes rarely to their psyche.  So my mother’s heart basked in their joy yesterday, and I wanted Kevin to know that his legacy lives on.

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