Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Road to Emmaus

Charles Musunguzi preached on the latter section of Luke 24 today, where two followers of Jesus are walking away from Jerusalem, discouraged, bewildered, questioning, maybe even fleeing the sad and tumultuous events of the weekend.  They don’t understand what God is doing.  But this is the very situation Jesus chooses to enter.  He does not wait for a prayer meeting, a properly organized worshipful reception.  He comes to walk along the road with two defeated men who don’t have the answers right.  Charles reminded us that in our weakness Jesus comes alongside of us.  He does not wait for us to get it all together, in fact in our moments of defeat we may find his presence even more tangible.  How encouraging, that we can be weak, wrong, tired, and even running away, but Jesus will still graciously walk and teach and feed us.

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