Thursday, April 17, 2008

2 years and 10 years, milestones and memories

Today is 2 years since my Dad left this earth for Heaven, and 10 years since my nephew Noah left his mother’s womb for this earth.  Two birthdays, both celebrations if looked at from the right perspective . . . But both involved significant pain in the transition, significant change and the perception of loss, significant tears.  I’m thinking about my Dad a lot.  My neighbor John M is only two years older than my Dad would have been, and his immobility (from a hip fracture), his wasting body (cancer), his resilient spirit as bodily functions become problematic and public, his loyalty to us . . . Even his jaunty English cap . . . Remind me of my Dad.  I don’t know how long he has now, Scott had to put in a permanent catheter in his abdomen to relieve the pain of blocked urination, which was another similarity to my Dad’s last days.  As with my Dad, we are part-family and part-doctors, holding his hand and greeting but also taking his blood pressure and managing his medicines.  It is hard enough to walk this path with family, let alone cross-culturally with neighbors . . . Pray for us to do it well.

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