Sunday, April 20, 2008

April Prayer Letter available

Our latest WHM Prayer Letter has been sent to the printer. For those of you on our mailing list with World Harvest Mission, you'll be receiving your hard copy in the mail with a week or so.

For those of you not on our WHM mailing list, you may download a pdf version (544K) of the letter from the "Downloads (pdf)" link on the right side bar.

The letter includes previously unpublished poetry from Jennifer.

If you enjoy the letter and would like to receive a hard copy in your mailbox, email WHM..

1 comment:

  1. Still praying for your family every day; still overwhelmed at the sacrifices your family makes to be the hands and feet of Jesus every day. I pray the grief from the loss of your dad would be lightened as only God can accomplish; praying for strength, endurance, and hope for tomorrow; grateful for the absolutely amazing example your sacrifice is for those of us who need to sacrifice more for Jesus. Your posts touch me in places that I cannot even describe; thank you for taking the time in the midst of all you are going through to motivate me to be a better example of the love of Christ to others.
