Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Family prayer request

Please pray for my mom, Judy, who will have delicate surgery on her eye at Hopkins on Weds 4 June.  She has lost significant vision from an “epiretinal fold” and we hope that this surgery will arrest the deterioration, and that her recovery will allow her to travel as hoped to Uganda to visit us in August.  I want to see my mom, but I mostly want my mom to see!  Thanks.


  1. A case of haemorrhagic fever has been reported in the Boende health
    zone of Tshuapa District. The chief medical officer in the area, Dr.
    Cesar Moyeli, believes that symptoms exhibited by a woman admitted to
    a general hospital in the zone are consistent with those of Ebola
    haemorrhagic fever.

    I got this information from ProMed ..thought I would pass it along..not knowing how fast news spreads there where you are...

    Many wishes and prayers for your Mother too.

  2. * thinking of your mother's surgery and hoping all goes well with it.
