Monday, June 02, 2008

The Interns Have Landed

Three smiling interns, Katie, Jesse, and Nick, and one very relieved Scotticus piled off the Cessna 206 in between lightening flashes and in the midst of standing water. Their saga began when it was raining too much in Kampala for MAF to meet them at Entebbe, so they were sent by road to the smaller MAF airstrip at Kajjansi. They had to sort through and leave more than half of the luggage behind due to weight restrictions, increased by the weather and the grass airstrip. Then when they finally did take off, the weather became worse. Visibility fell from five miles to two to less than a half mile as our valley was socked in by heavy clouds. We stood on the airstrip in the pouring rain trying to call MAF on the phone. Once we could hear the plane and catch a glimpse of it flying low over the trees, but they could not see us. It seems the GPS coordinate they had for the strip was off by a bit . . . Finally the pilot spotted the airstrip and made a splashy landing. Since the interns had never done this, they were confident and happy as they disembarked, whereas a more experienced Scotticus knew that it was not normal for the pilot to tell the passengers “see if you can see the road or any landmarks down there”.

These university students will spend the next two months here (June and most of July) encountering God in a different culture, and adding a bit of their own sweat and tears to the Kingdom progress as they teach, pack medicines, weigh babies, share the Gospel, conduct interviews, play sports, and generally serve. They are always a breath of fresh air for us, just not usually such a cold and wet breath!


  1. My brother is Nick- one of your interns. Glad to hear he and the others got there safely! Tell him hi from the family. We'll be reading the blog during the summer while he is there... thanks for the updates!

  2. We are thankful that the plane landed safely. As Nick's mother, I know this was the one thing he was nervous about. Now that his feet are on the ground he can get settled into his surroundings and do the work that God sent him there to do. We will keep you all in our prayers. (Give him a hug for me!)

  3. Tell these interns to be careful. Uganda, Bundi and all the MTW folks there can change your life and lead you in directions that you never imagined! But the direction will also be the most wonderful gift from your Father.

    I remember that flight and often wonder if I have ever seen so much beauty in such a short period of time.

  4. Thanks for the news. I was glad to hear that they are there safe and on the ground. Hope they get settled in and ready to work. Tell Jesse that his dad and mom already misses him and we love him.I will be reading all the blogs for updates. God Bless, Jesse's mom

  5. So happy to hear that the interns have landed safely, and God bless their hearts for being willing to sacrifice for Kingdom work. My prayers are daily with all of you there, and I will pray specifically for the interns as they adjust to so many changes in their efforts to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus.

  6. I'm thankful for a safe arrival for the interns and the beloved Scott! (Though I can't help but feel a bit of envy and sadness for me not being there with them and y'all!)

    I miss you much, think of you and pray for you daily.
    All my love,

  7. The interns (and the entire team, of course) will be in our prayers! Praying that all involved will receive many blessings. So glad to be able to follow Scott's adventures, again!

  8. I'm glad they got there safely! I know Katie is thrilled to be there. Please tell her that her family loves her and is praying for her and you all.

    Katie's sister and the Morris fam.

  9. Nothing like seeing your son's adventures documented on the blog. Please ask Jesse to write down his perspective of the journey to Bundibugyo as many at his church would love to hear about it from his perspective and I hope he is taking pictures of all this.Our prayers continue for all the interns and for all the mission workers.

  10. How thankful we are that Jesse, Nick and Katie are safe. How grateful I am to God for providing them with a glimpse of His biggness and how He has a plan for their lives. Tell Jesse that Aunt Susan is praying, as are many others. Journal as much as you can about your experiences. Use all your senses when you journal. We love you and are awed by your adventure and willingness to follow God this way. (HUGS from us all!) Aunt Susan

  11. I am glad Nick got there with no mishaps. He has been so excited, now he can put all that energy to work. I taught Nick in high school, so let him know the prayers are still coming.
