Friday, July 25, 2008

Accounting Heroes

Do you know who blew the story that King Leopold of Belgium had turned Congo into a personal kingdom run by slavery?  An accountant.  A clerk at the shipping docks added up what went out to Congo, and what came in to Belgium, and concluded that the balance was not in Congo’s favor.  This led to the awareness by the rest of the world that rubber was being obtained by drastic measures (including cutting off the hands of those who did not tap enough trees).  

So accountants can be heroes, particularly in the world of aid, of missions, of development.  This post is a small tribute to some of those heroes.  Jerry and Dwight in our Sending Center.  Scott, David, and Karen, who manage tens of thousands of dollars each, carefully planning, tracking, submitting receipts, being responsible for Kwejuna project, CSB, and BundiNutrition.  Michael, at least we hope soon, handling money for development in Mundri, Sudan.  And Scott again, because all the miscellaneous and sundry needs of team and widows and projects and orphans pass through his hands.  All of these people do lots of other things too, but their non-glamorous desk time may be the most important.

Where are the brave accountants, the careful people who are patient enough to sit at a computer or use a calculator, to save the world?


  1. Oh man, AMEN to that! I am NOT gifted in details, admin, accounting (I failed an accounting course in college), etc., so I especially appreciate and value those who are gifted and take the time to do all that unglamorous work. It's truly a blessing!

    I would also like to "publicly" thank Jerry, Dwight and Claire! :)

  2. I think songs ought to be written in honor of Jerry, Dwight and Clare! They are awesome.

  3. HAHA!! Karen, you and I should take a stab at that sometime! Maybe at the next mission-wide conference/retreat. :)
