Monday, September 15, 2008

An unexpected opportunity

On August 26th in a post titled "In Praise of Fathers", we mentioned our involvement with a young man who recently came to us for sponsorship in medical school. Without any recruitment effort on our part, this Bundibugyo-born student, Baluku Morris, gained admission to the newest medical school in Uganda, the Kampala International University Medical School. He just showed up at our house with his admission letter and a letter of reference from the LC5, the highest ranking politician in Bundibugyo. At the time, we hesitated. Our lack of knowledge of this young man and the lack of money in the bank made this seem like an unwise decision. We pledged that we would give him 25% of his first year's requirement. He and his father went home, discussed their options, and returned. They didn't have any savings that could begin to pay the balance of the tuition so they appealed to us about whether we would consider sponsorship in nursing or laboratory medicine schools (institutions they knew where we had previously sponsored students). Their humility and persistence in this process caused us to reconsider our first decision not to fully sponsor him. Then, we began to receive inquiries and offers from generous blog readers interested in assisting Baluku.

Baluku expresses a fervent desire not only to study medicine but also to serve the people of Bundibugyo. His father who we have since learned is a "cousin-brother" to Jonah (seems everyone is related to each other in Bundibugyo if you go back far enough), says that Baluku "has the heart of Dr. Jonah." We believe the academic credentials and intellectual aptitude are "required, but not sufficient" to be a doctor. This heart of compassion for people is what we always seek as we recruit doctors for Bundibugyo. Hearing Baluku voice a desire to serve has given us confidence to move ahead with him.

So, by faith, we have made a commitment to Baluku Morris to sponsor him for five years of study at the Kampala International University Medical School. It will cost an estimated $3500/year. Classes begin October 3rd, 2008.

(We have previously raised the full amount to sponsor Monday Julius at the Mbarrara University Medical School for five years through the Dr. Jonah Kule Memorial Leadership Fund, but don't have any additional funds beyond the need of Monday Julius).

If you would like to contribute towards sending Baluku Morris to medical school, you may send a gift to World Harvest Mission (see the sidebar links for how to contribute by snail mail or by electronic transfer) designating your gift for the Dr. Jonah Kule Memorial Leadership Fund. And then begin praying for is a long hard road full of barriers - frustration, distraction, difficulty, and even despair. He'll need an army of prayer warriors backing him up.

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