Monday, October 27, 2008

Arm youselves

Peace Like a River, by Leif Enger, is one of our favorite all-time books.  Jack is currently reading it, and left it on our bed (ever a favorite nesting spot) so I picked it up and re-read the first chapter in which the narrator describes his near-disastrous entry into the world as a blue and lifeless newborn baby until his father knocks over the non-resuscitating doctor and picks him up, commanding him to breathe.  The chapter ends with these great lines:
If he were to begin the account, I believe Dad would say what he said to Swede and me on the worst night of all our lives:
We and the world, my children, will always be at war.
Retreat is impossible.
Arm yourselves.


  1. I LOVE this book! Isn't his description of heaven just wondrous? What a nice moment of connection to find you loving my favorite book. Am always still praying for you!

  2. Good challenge! Thanks for sharing, and know that we are praying for you guys!
