Monday, October 06, 2008

more pruning...

Speaking of pruning.....Heidi mentioned at dinner tonight that our newest team member (Nathan Elwood - who we hope will be with us by the end of the month) wrote to ask for information about what type of computer would be best for Bundibugyo.  Heidi realized that with the departure of the Massos, the last vestige of the PC users have gone.  We are a 100% Apple-Mac team now (at last count there are 13 Apple laptops on the Bundibugyo team).

What does that say about our team....well, we're not quite sure actually...

One thing for sure...Apple's market share in Bundibugyo is well above 8%.


  1. ..."last vestiges"... hmph. Don't fret, more PC's on the way to bail you out when an Apple a day just isn't enough to keep the doctor away.

  2. Ha ha! Well, I'll do my best to convert the Sudan team the first to bring a mac there!
