Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Africa rejoices . . .

I'm sure our supporters are mixed in their enthusiasm for the outcome of the presidential race in America. But there is no mistaking the enthusiasm here. Ugandans are smiling broadly. Today we had kids chanting "Obama Obama" as we drove by on the road. We actually tuned into the satellite radio early this morning (pre-midnight in the US) and heard projections but tight races . . . then after prayer meeting we turned the radio back on in time to catch Obama's speech, listening as a team, with our kids, here in Africa, his nostalgic rhetoric seeming substantial and historic in the growing morning light. At the very least the sheer fact that a man whose father was Kenyan could become president of the United States gives the average person here in Uganda a sense of pride, of possibility, of redemption, of interest in the potential for America to turn towards Africa in real ways.


  1. You might be surprised to find out that there are several of us who regularly read your blog, pray daily for you and your family, and also happen to be Democrats and Obama supporters. We may not agree on everything, but I deeply admire your work and am grateful for your honest discussion of faith and the way it challenges me. Just food for thought...

  2. The beauty of this was that no matter if you support his policies or platforms or don't, there is something to truly celebrate in him being elected.
    I'm glad that the Ugandan people can take pride in this, as well as those of us in America.

    I'm praying for you all.
