Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Best Thanksgiving Rodeo Ever

Tonight we go to bed tired but full, not only of food but also of the blessing of community. From the dramatic sacrifice of the turkey this morning (spouting blood, wings firmly held down by the scalpel- wielding Scott) to the last hour of the late night, sitting out on our brick patio by candlelight guffawing over Heidi's acting and Nathan's chagrin as we played "basket of nouns", it was a day to remember. Hospital rounds were as quick as I could make them (this is after all NOT a Ugandan holiday) and then the rest of the day was devoted to cooking and cleaning. The clan gathered at 4, all 29 of us, team and visitors reciting a Psalm of Thanksgiving responsively (136) and then delving into the feast. It is truly amazing what creative and motivated people can come up with in the way of American traditional cooking in Africa: apple pies to mashed potatoes and gravy, we had it all. Barb decided to inject some Texas culture into our mix, and with barely an hour of digestion we were out in the yard as the sun sank into pink, for sack races, an egg toss, tug of war, even a game to capture the flag of a bandana tied to a real live goat. A couple of Ugandan friends stopped in and got drawn into the fun, and dozens others were quite entertained from the path I'm sure. Then dessert, the first official Christmas movie of the season (Charlie Brown Christmas), a short goodbye and thanks to the Ryans, some washing up and at last the game. I am thankful for our team today.

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