Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Happy Birthday to My Man

Today we pause to celebrate Scott's life. He is a man that can lead a Bible study or a worship song, perform a surgery, fix an engine, plant a garden, compose a photo, milk a cow, balance an account, score a goal, paint a picture, tell a joke, cook a dinner, debug a computer, or build a house. A recent good-read was The Time Traveler's Wife, a book I liked because the woman in the title got glimpses of her husband as an older man, and she liked what she saw. I met Scott 28 years and 1 month ago . . . and though I thought he was good-looking and athletic and smart then, I had no vision of the depth which would mature in his character and skills. So today, a tribute to true love, and to my man.


  1. Happy Birthday Scott!

    We are glad to celebrate along with you. I couldn't think of a better man for Nathan to be working along side.

    Barbara E.

  2. Happy Birthday! I hope there is time in it for rest and peace, and that God continues to shower His blessings on you this next year, as you have showered His blessings on those you serve and lead so well.

  3. Happy Birthday - and thanks for an yet another inspiring post - 28+ years is amazing!

  4. Happy birthday Scott!! Did you have DMC ice cream? Miss you guys.
    Love, Bethany

  5. Happy Birthday, Scott. All the best to you and the family. I hope to talk to you soon.

  6. Happy Birthday Scott!! You have aged tremendously well; I smile when I picture the undergraduate Scott in my mind's eye. I love and pray for your family as you pour out your lives as a drink offering to the people of Bundibugyo.

    Blessings to the Myhre family,

  7. Happy Birthday, Scott! Praying that God filled the day with many smiles and lots of family!

  8. Happy Birthday Scott from the Bolthouse's.
    Bill and Laurie

  9. Marriage. Wove. True Wove.


  10. Happy Birthday!!! Hoping you thoroughly enjoy your vacation away with Jennifer!
