Sunday, November 09, 2008

Jack of All Trades

We cut out a great quote, a while back, about all the diverse things a human being should be able to do, from deliver a baby to sail a ship. Missionary life affords many opportunities for diversifying one's skill set: making marshmallows from scratch, for instance, or milking a cow. Or installing a solar hot water system. Scott and Nathan spent the entire day Saturday (?10 hours) assembling and installing a solar- heated water tank for our teachers' home. Threading pipes, dealing with coolants and gradients, digging pipelines, busting through shower walls. I'm sure it would have been easier for Michael, but now we're on our own. Scott, I know, often feels the pressure of "the buck stops here." If there is a plumbing issue or a computer crisis, a serious illness or a immobilized bike, it tends to find its way to him. And he's good at figuring things out. So there is satisfaction when hot water flows, and frustration when he can't make it work, and a need for prayer to maintain equanimity whatever the case.

1 comment:

  1. The girls are SO EXCITED about having hot showers. Thanks so much to Scott and Nathan for making that little bit of Western life - and HUGE bit of African luxury - available to them. They are truly grateful.
