Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Closing 2008

Yesterday would have been my Dad's birthday, a day the rest of my
family celebrated together, as I'm sure he would have wished. As the
year draws to a close, as we parent our own kids, as we talk to other
families, I am thankful for the legacy of loyalty and generosity and
love that still supports us.

Today we see patients as quickly as possible then head to our favorite
isolation spot, campsite 2 in the game reserve. We will take three of
Luke's friends from his CSB days to experience the wonder of their
homeland and its animals, and to close the year and the vacation in
community. Then it is on to Kenya to take Luke back to the start of
term 2 at RVA. Many miles and hours and your prayers for patience in
the car and protection on the rough roads are always appreciated


  1. Praying for a safe trip and for much joy in 2009- with love, Cindy Nore

  2. The pictures from your hike are so awesome! I can't imagine ever doing a hike like that, you all are so adventurous. I am sure it will be a great memory for your whole family. Reading back over your posts from Christmas, the celebrations you had seem sort of magical(I don't know if that is the exact word I am looking for). I know that it doesn't seem that way when you are seeing pts in the pediatric ward and the other daily occurences in bundgibugyo, but the reality and simplicity of the times you describe with the team seem so awesome. I guess what I am trying to say is that your blog is filled with a lot of suffering and sadness, but also in such contrast beauty, authentic community and adventure. It makes me jealous at times because life here can be so monotonous, but I also know that the adventure and beauty and wonderful things you get to experience don't come without huge sacrifice. In that I am thankful for what your family has sacrificed to stay in bundibugyo and spread the gospel. I pray that you all have a great time at the game park and get to see some awesome animals, can't wait to see some more pictures.
