Thursday, December 04, 2008

To the Mountaintop

God calls His people away to the mountains regularly. There Moses
encountered the trailing brilliance of His glory, there he and Aaron
prayed for victory as the battle raged below. Jesus brought his
followers there at least once to encounter His shining face in a new
way, and went there often Himself just to withdraw and renew.

In a couple of hours we are heading for the mountains that have formed
the backdrop of our daily life for more than fifteen years. We will
spend the next seven to eight days hiking a high alpine circuit of
Rwenori wilderness, hopefully some of us will be reaching glacier-
covered Margarita Peak on Mt. Stanley, Africa's third highest, 16,700
feet. Jack, Julia, and probably I will opt to remain at base camp on
that day, but we're hoping to have the strength and endurance for the
rest of the trek. Scott and Luke did a similar trip three years ago,
thought they chose Mt. Speke instead. Ashley and Nathan are joining
our family, so preparing the food, gear, medicine, shoes, pots,
sleeping bags, etc. for 8 for over a week in a place where we can
access NOTHING but water . . . is a daunting task that Scott has
tackled. Right now it is all in duffle bags in our front room, to be
loaded and carried to our starting point today, so we can begin

We would appreciate prayer. First, that we get away from the grief and
pressure of life and find rest in the peace of nature and the
fellowship of our family. Second, that we experience God in His glory
as we climb. And third, for safety, health, no falls, no altitude

It is never easy to leave this place, and we are probably in the midst
of an influenza outbreak. But Luke has longed for this adventure all
year, and it has become very clear to me that our window of our kids'
teen years is small and closing. So we are off, to the mountains,


  1. Hi to the Myhre family - just wanted to say that all of you making the mountain trip will be in my prayers. I will pray for all the specifics you mentioned in your post and look forward to hearing about your adventures when you return. With love - Cindy

  2. Have fun ... wish I could be there, even though I'm only a few countries south of you right now. Please let me know if you think any of that glacier/snow is skiable.
