Tuesday, January 27, 2009

And it was very good

Genesis 1 contains this refrain, which clamors to still echo in our hearts in spite of brokeness. God created this patch of earth upon which we live, and His work was good. Last night we conversed among ourselves as missionaries about having eyes to see the imprint of God's abundance and goodness as we view the world here, and today I sat with five young people talking about culture and belief and what they saw in their own traditions that was good, that they wanted to preserve. So this post is dedicated to testifying to the deep and original goodness of Bundibugyo.

From outside, looking in: jagged mountain views in the clear morning, fertile soil, community spirit, genuine joy in relationship, assuming that visitors are a blessing and that work should be shared, the privilege of being called into the work of responsibly managing the earth's resources, the precious value of children, the generations of skill in keeping goats (yes, a phone conversation with an agricultural missionary yesterday reminded me of his informed opinion that the people of Bundibugyo are very good at this!).

From inside, looking out: circumcision ( a healthy and community- binding cultural practice), respect for elders, the investment of elders in advising younger people, bride-price (the way this values women).

Let us look around us this week with Genesis 1 eyes, to see the goodness.

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