Saturday, January 31, 2009


Let us take a moment to be thankful, and to acknowledge the power of provision as a firm confirmation that we must persevere here. While the entire world scales back expectations, and struggles to navigate the thin ice over bankruptcy. . . God has moved many hearts to provide for the Kingdom advance in Bundibugyo. A paradox, for sure. We were tentative in our goat hopes this year, and would have been thrilled to fund 50 . . . but 117 were purchased through the Christmas Ornament Matiti Give-a-Goat fundraiser!! Lemmech will begin training new owners in February for the first allotment to go out in March. Amazing gifts have come in for Christ School, dramatic and generous answers to prayer, churches and individuals sacrificially putting money (that is no longer flowing so easily in America) into Ugandan education and discipleship. And a heartfelt salute to our own supporters, whose end-of-the-year outpouring of mercy carries us into 2009 with great hope. We've already been able to share the bounty with a boosted power supply for the lab fridge for blood banking, and with the nutrition office to computerize the goat database. Next on our list will be the non-glamorous but very-necessary addition of a new latrine for hospital staff housing. Dr. Jonah's children began their new year of school and our medical students continue in their studies thanks to your gifts. We are humbled and grateful to witness so many giving, not out of excess but in spite of your own financial losses, out of love.

And, equally amazingly . . .the Chief Administrative Officer has announced that an entire year's worth of government funds for health in the district have been "recovered" from the various departments which had "borrowed" them for other business. This is a huge answer to our anti-corruption prayers. Pray for this man, Elias, who faces not only opposition but no doubt also temptation to allow shadiness to continue. It takes much effort and courage to draw the line.

So both through donors and through the Ugandan government, God is pouring out His provisions in response to your prayers. Keep it up!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jenifer and Scott,
    It was our pleasure to be able to assist in this effort, although we would normally do something like this through Heifer International. Are you using similar guidelines as laid down by the late Dan West that the recipients must pass along the first female goat to another family in their community?

