Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Back to School

The mile of dirt road which stretches in front of our house hosts no less than five primary schools (3 large government schools and two major newly-opened private ones) and three secondary schools.  I would estimate that these 8 institutions enroll over two thousand pupils, not to mention that dozens of others use the path to head further afield.  So when the school year officially began this week, let's say it was quite noticeable!  Clusters of boys and girls, from tiny tots to burly teens, in solid color trousers and white shirts, maroon shifts and checkered blouses, a palette of colors, shapes, and sizes, all flowing up and down the corridor.  This is the first new school year since my neighbor died, and his successor son decided to observe a cultural practice involving sending the wives of his father back to their pre-marriage relatives (in spite of the fact that these women have lived there for 20 to 40 years . . .).  So I ended up taking the two teenage parent-less girls to sign into "Parental Care Primary" school.  It was also the first year of a stricter and more organized CSB entry process, so I went there to sign in my usual boys.  It was somewhat festive, rubbing shoulders with other parents, many of whom I know, respectfully waiting my turn, paying fees, saying goodbye.  Students greeted each other, harried staff members searched through trunks to enforce the proper clothing and shoes and books being brought.  And so the 2009 year begins here, hopeful.  

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