Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Flash of Good News

Just got a call from our Ministries Director Paul Leary, with amazingly good news of God's provision.  A private donor, whose interest in WHM in Africa grew out of a brief meeting in an airport parking lot in Rome facilitated by our colleagues . . . which became the foundation of the pediatric and maternity ward two years ago, another water line, and some buildings at Christ school . . . now decided to fund a huge grant proposal which will enable several significant Christ School projects to move forward, and enable the Sudan team to begin building.  In this time of financial uncertainty we are awed and grateful for a business man who is willing to part with many thousands of dollars over the next three years.  This proposal had been in the works for months (thanks to much work by Scott, the Pierces, Michael, and Paul), but it seems it landed in a spam section of the donor's email . . and was only retrieved in the last week.  Hard to remember that in early January we and the Pierces sat and prayed together over a bleak forecast for the year, wondering if God was giving us a message of radical changes to our mission.  There was simply no money, and the Pierces were weary with the prospect of facing the year.  Now six weeks later, we've seen our friends come through with sacrificial gifts, seen churches decide to partner, seen the mission shoulder lingering debt from past years, and now seen this donor give extravagantly.  God uses this to encourage us, to tell us to carry on.  We are almost as excited for the Massos as for us.  They moved to Sudan by faith, and have spent months subsisting very simply, waiting for funds.  Now the timing is perfect, as they have two young interning men with construction expertise who can pitch in to get the offices and housing off the ground.  Literally.  We thank God for moving hearts.


  1. Praise God for His provision!!! So happy for you all! Keep fighting the good fight, furthering the kingdom...supported by these donors and our prayers.

  2. Praise God for His provision!!! So happy for you all! Keep fighting the good fight, furthering the kingdom...supported by these donors and our prayers.
