Thursday, February 19, 2009

Has anything good come?

Remember when skeptical people questioned Jesus' validity because he was from Nazareth? We heard a similar comment yesterday, after Stephanie presented her paper on the BBB program. She detailed the effort to design, implement, and refine the production of high-calorie soy-peanut paste for the treatment of malnourished kids, and did a beautiful job. As she sat down, the elderly British doctor who was chairing the session said "This must be historic, I believe it is the first time I have ever heard of research coming out of Bundibugyo!" I was so proud of Stephanie and Scotticus and our team at that moment, showing that quality medical care are innovation can occur even in our remote setting. Scotticus presented more data as a poster session, showing that though we give enough for each child to consume 680 kcal/ day, by careful dietary recall (thanks to Baguma Charles) they are actually only taking in 150 kcal of this product per day. This is why science and measurement is so important: rather than focusing on giving MORE food, we need to focus on getting the mothers to GIVE the food they are receiving! I like working in an area where the answers are still not clear, where we have to think and try.

60% of childhood death in Uganda is attributable to malnutrition, either as a direct cause or as a contributing factor in other diseases. Surely Jesus, who fed the lost crowds and took children on his lap, who called Himself the bread of life, would want His people to be bringing light and Kingdom here.


  1. I was so thrilled to read about the presentations being so well received and more importantly about the successes you are having in nourishing the children in Bundibugyo. And yes, I can't think of a project more true to the heart of Jesus than the hands on love, nurture, and provision of sustenance to children, so God bless and press on! With love, Cindy Nore

  2. Great post. Way to go Stephanie and Scotticus and team!

  3. You all are doing GOOD work there-- for the people and for the Kingdom. Congrats on your presentations.

  4. Echoing the others - this is great work and shows that it is worth the effort to invest in measurement, even though it's tedious and often difficult. Congratulations on all your hard work!

  5. Goooooo Bundibugyo team!!!! Yay!!!

  6. "we need to focus on getting the mothers to GIVE the food they are receiving!"
    What are the mothers doing with the portion they receive, but do not give to the children?

  7. Really great encouragement on an outstanding project. I wish I was there with you to here all that is going on and see the support of the health community!

  8. Really great encouragement on an outstanding project. I wish I was there with you to here all that is going on and see the support of the health community!
