Saturday, February 14, 2009


This is the local name for the dwarf bush-baby, who is still alive on syringes of milk. We made him a nest in our bougainvillea, and are hoping his mother returns to reclaim him. He (or she, I have no idea) is about as ugly as any creature, sort of a cross between Yoda of Star Wars and the Bernstein Bears . . . but watching him lap milk is so satisfying . . . an extreme example, but the frailty and bizarreness of this creature draw out mothering. Meanwhile he chirps and burrows into the rags and licks his lips when we put milk into his mouth. Touching is still off-limits because of my zoonosis paranoia. .

1 comment:

  1. Hey Guys,

    Being that I work with lemurs who are similar to bush babies, I just wanted to let you know that it is quite rare for diseases to jump from Strepsirrhini including bush babies to humans. However, I would take precautions anyway. It never hurts to be too careful. Anyway, I hope everything is going well.

    -In Christ,
