Thursday, February 12, 2009

ships in the night

This month we are practicing baton-relay parenting to a greater degree
than we ever have, and it is not ideal. However the alternatives are
for BOTH of us to miss events important to at least one kid, or for
the entire family to spend more travel money, or for 3 of 4 kids to
miss more school. So we have tried to compromise (great line from
tonight's movie, To Kill A Mockingbird, where the dad explains that
compromise does not mean bending the rules but rather a mutually
agreed upon path that minimizes the losses). I took Caleb to spend
the weekend with Luke for his 16th Birthday. Now I'm home with the
three younger kids; Scott had meetings in Fort today and moved on to
do some errands in Kampala before flying to Kenya himself for the
required work weekend that parents of Juniors are expected to
contribute to preparations for RVA's version of the prom, the Junior/
Senior Banquet. He comes back to attack the all-day task of medicine
purchasing and family shopping on Tuesday, then Wednesday we literally
switch places so I can attend the first UGAN (something like action on
nutrition network) conference where two former short term missionaries
are presenting papers related to research done through our nutrition
programs. It is a long stretch. Being the only parent right now, the
only on-the-ground team leader, the only doctor, the only adult in the
house . . . all take their toll. I much prefer partnering with my
best friend. Prayers appreciated, that I would live in the freedom
and peace of God's power and not rush around in a frantic panic!


  1. You guys never cease to amaze me. What a pair to look up to! Praying for your family and the kids.

    Love y'all.

  2. Our family watched To Kill a Mockingbird recently too, at my suggestion, and I almost regretted exposing my teenage kids to the film's raw, mindless hatred and racial discrimination. "Is that what America is really like?! Could that have happened?" they asked. I hadn't realized until then how marvelously unaware they are of shades of skin color. Some things have improved since the race riots I knew in high school.

  3. Praying for all of your family as you navigate the business and the excitement of the next few days. Hoping that while you are holding down the fort there by yourself in many ways, you would feel the presence of God and the prayers of those of us "walking with you" on this side of the world. Much love - Cindy
