Thursday, March 26, 2009


Our BundiNutrition team meets every Monday to strategize . . . and this week as we discussed our financial situation, I realized I had not contacted our donors in quite a while. We have been blessed this year with $36K dollars . . and we have spent this year, $36K dollars. In other words God provided precisely what was needed. That balance really boosts my faith, and I hope it does yours too as you read. How the spirit prompts one person to send $20 and another to send $3000, at random times, from dozens of states, and yet brings it all together to meet the monthly needs of . . .
  • 166 severely malnourihsed inpatients between March and December of 2008 (12 on the ward right now!)
  • an average of 54 HIV-infected children per month, 43 motherless babies per month, and 93 moderately malnourished outpatients per month
  • 123 families who received dairy goats
. . is truly mind-boggling. Another fun number: 10,000 eggs were churned out by our hard-working chickens for the protein needs of hungry kids!

As I wrote in the post below, we have the privilege of seeing true resurrections of the body. And we pray for those of the spirit, too. I was amazed in the chaos of the ward yesterday to hear some sweet singing . . and found it was the initially hopeless and bitter mother of a severely malnourished baby, who had resisted treatment at first. Over the weeks of care, her child regained health and life, and she regained hope. They were discharged yesterday, truly transformed.

For 2009 we anticipate continuing to need about $1500 per month to fill in the gaps. As much as God has provided through donations, through the goat ornaments, through UNICEF, through sustainability projects, we continue to face an expanding population, uncertain weather and agricultural patterns, family dysfunction, unemployment and need. The BundiNutrition fund allows us to give the cup of cold water, or in this case beans, to the least of these.

If you or your group would like to be part of this process of God's graciousness to those at the margin of this world . . link on the sidebar through "how to contribute by mail" which actually takes you to the WHM donation site, with instructions for either mail or electronic giving. BundiNutrition is project #12371. This is a terribly tight economic time in the world, and we are humbled by those who continue to pray and give at great sacrifice, for the Kingdom to come in Bundibugyo. Thank you.

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