Sunday, March 22, 2009

evening prayer

Our team went outside our normal routines this evening, literally, to hold a prayer walk.  We found our Christ School beginning-of-the-year around-campus prayer walk so valuable, we wanted to expand our horizons and include other ministries of the team. In this pre-Easter season of Lent it seemed like a good time to take the risk.  I resurrected from my bed, and most of the team participated.  But we were only half the group, the rest were a handful each of Christ School teachers, hospital staff, church leaders, and nutrition workers.   We read from Romans 12 and 13:  Be transformed by the renewing of your mind (prayers again on the school campus); overcome evil with good (prayers in front of the hospital); the authorities that exist are appointed by God (prayers in front of our new Nyahuka Town Council government offices); and love is the fulfillment of the law (prayers on the mission property).  I find it powerful and poignant to have Ugandans praying for me, particularly those with whom I work daily.  Praying that we would love, would not lose heart, would persevere, would find our reward in God.  It is also powerful to pray against corruption, against the principalities and powers that enslave Bundibugyo, right on their own turf.  The intersection of our various ministries also helps people who work in one area get a vision of God's bigger picture of the Kingdom.  It was a simple hour of praying and walking together, about 25 of us including our kids, clear curiosity from onlookers but no major heckling or opposition.  Not a huge gathering, but perhaps a small seed, the initial path of revival?

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