Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Provision, again

In great missionary stories, the need and the provision are always so amazingly timed that everyone can see that only God could manage to bring it together. Yesterday Ashley attended the district sports planning meeting for secondary schools, along with two other coaches from Christ School. She was well appreciated for her experience with tournament planning, and well supported in her desire to give girls an opportunity to compete. So today when David mentioned that the boys' soccer team would be sending a teacher to Kampala to purchase cleats, Ashley agreed that the girls' team should also get footwear (they pretty much play barefoot). She did not know where the money would come from, but measured the girls' feet. This evening we got a message from our faithful supporter Barb R . . she had decided to ask someone to fund 18 pairs of shoes for the team, God has just kept it on her heart as a loose end, and the friend said "yes" so she thought she'd pass on the news. Amazing. This is not just about winning or losing games. Girls who are part of an organized sports team grow in self-discipline, in friendship, in awareness of their God-given value. They are more likely to excel in school, and less likely to drop out for early pregnancies. So 18 pairs of shoes will give them a step ahead, in the right direction.

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