Sunday, April 05, 2009

Palm Sunday

Feeling sympathy for those who wanted Jesus to FIX things instead of riding a donkey in peace. As we read the Palm Sunday passages this morning, I pondered that it was right after this that Judas gave up on the plan. He, and others, no doubt expected Jesus to go public with power, to turn his righteous wrath upon the Romans. Instead He took his anger right to the temple, and turned it on his own people. The whip and money come first into the picture as Jesus overturns the religious racket. They return to the story a few days later, 30 clanging pieces of silver thrown on the same temple floor, and cruel whips brought down on Jesus himself. The transition seems to have been the final realization that Jesus was NOT going to overthrow the oppressive government . . that He was calling for repentance rather than war.

Someone told me this week that someone else in a position of power in our very own district tried to extract a BRIBE from the doctor who has been sent by WHO to help post-Jonah. Instead of begging him to work here, they were trying to make a profit from his paperwork. This kind of thing makes me feel like Judas: why can't God just strike down in justice? Why the path of the cross?

Praying this week that we find ourselves ready to follow this King who rides the donkey instead of the war-horse, who speaks truth and love even for His enemies.

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