Saturday, April 25, 2009

sms from Heidi

Thanks for praying for the renewal of the milk supply. Through a
letter, a visit, some emails from friends who know friends, and
supernatural mercy, the director was able to access a new supply for
out nutrition unit. We feel a little taste of the George Muller last-
minute provision. Heidi sms'd that Friday we had three packets of
milk left (out of about four thousand for the year . . ). But
Saturday morning a truck arrived with 60 crates, enough for several
months. I suppose we are always desperate and dependent, we just
pretend that we don't have to rely on God most of the time. So a
dramatic provision reminds us of reality. We are grateful.


  1. There is interesting post and health relative post and some information in milk and nice tips. thanks

  2. Great news, and such confirmation that God smiles kindly on your work there.

  3. Praising the Lord with you!
