Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lubwisi Bible Translation-where we stand

The WHM-Bundibugyo Team has been supporting the translation of the bible into the local language of Lubwisi since 1991 when Rich and Alie Benson pioneered that work. Our partnership continued when Waller and Mary Tabb of SIL took over in the mid-90s. The work has since been fully handed over to two Ugandan translators, Charles Musinguzi and Hannington Bahemuka who continue to faithfully toil day-by-day chipping away at the thousands of chapters in need of translation. SIL continues to support these guys logistically and technically, but the work is primarily now in Ugandan hands.
We received a report from Waller Tabb yesterday that the New Testament translation is now 59% complete. Please continue to pray for these faithful laborers who grind away at a task which is measured in years rather than weeks or months. Sort of like building the pyramids in my mind.
Waller's closing words in his update came from 2 Thessalonians 3:1
Finally brethren, pray for us, that the word of the LORD may speed on and triumph , as it did among you.

1 comment:

  1. Please thank both Hannington and Charles for their work when you see them next, and esp. greet Charles for me...
