Sunday, May 10, 2009

A painful praise

We had excellent, encouraging, amazing news this weekend: Caleb was offered a place in the 10th grade class at RVA for the 2009-2010 school year. Since Luke has thrived, and since Caleb's options in Bundibugyo continue to narrow, and since he misses Luke so much, and since we have asked God for the gift of the ability to send him to RVA . . . we are grateful for this. The admissions counselor and guidance counselor had both told us that an opening was unlikely for next year; it is the largest (most full) class in the school. So once again we are amazed by God's ability to bring something out of nothing, to open a path where we saw none. But the good news carries a small barb, of course, the reality that our family will once again be shaken and shifting, that now 1/3 of it will be in Kenya with 2/3 in Uganda. That Jack will have to experience the grief of saying goodbye to another brother for large chunks of the year. That the continuous living together we have known for the 14 years of Caleb's life will end in a few more months. And so we praise as we wince, aware that this is a blessing from God, but one that also extracts a painful cost.


  1. What great news for Caleb and Luke as they look forward to being together at school, but understandably news that brings about such mixed emotions for everyone in your family. I will be praying that your entire family will feel peaceful about your bonded hearts physically living in two different places for much of the year, and especially for Jack as he adjusts to Caleb being gone for longer periods of time. With love - Cindy Nore
