Friday, June 12, 2009


Just got an email from Scotticus, who says Kevin woke up, is breathing
on his own, and even talked to JD a bit. He will rest now for the
night. This is so miraculous, such good news, my fingers tremble even
typing. Of course there is far to go and much to know, but even this
degree of recovery was faster and further than was anticipated. So


  1. I just started following your blog. We are praising God with you.

  2. I should have said, a friend of mine sent it to us, she is activly involved with a Uganda ministry. I will enjoy getting to know you more. May the Lord bless you while you labor for Him.

  3. I just caught up on your blog from the last few days and will be in fervent prayer for Kevin and his family. I am so happy to hear that the initial reports look a bit better than expected - we will continue to pray for total healing. With love - Cindy Nore

  4. Thank heavens...more prayers will arise.

  5. Praise the Lord for His mercy and miraculous power!! Will continue to pray- thank you for keeping us updated.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. We just saw the them at Lydia Herron's wedding last week-end! What a shock this is . . . we will join all the many prayers for JD and Kevin and their family. Thanks so much for your words and updates.
    We will be praying . . .
    Praising Our Father for His tender care and mercy and for Kevin's progress . . .
