Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Separation Woes

Scott and Caleb drove to Kampala today, and tomorrow morning they will
board a BA flight to America. Scott was encouraged months ago to make
this trip by members of his high school class who REALLY wanted to see
him at their 30th reunion, but the decision was finally made to go in
response to his dad's recent bike accident and illness. They will go
to California to see the Myhres and thank the Half Moon Bay Methodists
for their support at a service on the 21rst, as well as preach three
services in the Wyoming Presbyterian Church (a Cincinnati suburb where
he grew up) on the 28th. Sadly for us, to keep the trip to two weeks
Scott will miss a Sunday at our main supporting church Grace OPC in
Vienna, VA, instead attending a mid-week Bible study to thank our
friends there. Caleb will also go to the annual Aylestock family
reunion, and there will be lots of good food and grandparent time and
hugs and stories. They will be in four states on two coasts in two
weeks, so it will be a pretty packed time.

Meanwhile Julia, Jack, and I are attempting to hold down the fort at
home. No small thing. Just before he left, Scott, with Nathan's
brave help, moved our very mean and dangerous bull away from the
paddock by our house to the yard at the old Tabb house. For safety.
But our cow DMC just stood at the fence and cried her little heart out
all evening. And I could so relate to her! Her husband is out of
sight, and her calf might as well be at boarding school since they are
separated by a fence (to prevent nursing so we get the milk). A few
hours later, the gate was left ajar and the calf Truffle entered her
mother DMC's paddock. So there were Jack, Julia, and I all with
sticks running around in circles trying to get them apart and drive
the calf back into her proper quarters, an exhausting and futile
exercise until cowgirl Julia got some dairy meal (like oats) and lured
her. Thankfully I had turned off the stove at the last minute so
dinner was saved, but if this first night is any omen for us and the
cows, the next two weeks could be a doozy. Now DMC is moaning and
alone again. She has the separation woes, and so do I.

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