Tuesday, August 18, 2009

our TRIP (Travels Round Immazing Places)

When the Bartkoviches returned for their year of furlough in 2008, JD planned a cross-country USA car trip which she nick-named: GAFTA, the Great American Field Trip Adventure.
Along those lines we spent a little time in the car coming up with an acronym for our circumnavigation of Lake Victoria trip...and the finalists are...(you may vote in the comment section)...

1.  The UN-SAFE Trip

(Uganda-Nyanza Safari Expedition a.k.a  Uganda-Nyanza Serious African Fun Expedition; NB, Nyanza is a Bantu word for "lake" often used to refer to Lake Victoria).

2.  The LoVE Trip   (Lake Victoria Expedition)...a sarcastic comment from Jennnifer about the lack of sibling harmony in the car..

3.  The EX-TRUK Trip

(Exploring Tanzania-Rwanda-Uganda-Kenya)


  1. I like the UN-SAFE trip, the second definition. But I really liked the TRIP you defined the title as. Too much fun! Glad you are enjoying yourselves. :)

  2. I have to vote for the LoVE trip...sounds like that captures the many moods of the trip and the many roads you've traveled. Wishing you safe travels and many more wonderful adventures and memories! Thanks for the wonderful updates along the way!

  3. We had a tough time deciding which we liked best. Joe and Louisa loved the LoVE trip. I thought UN-SAFE was creative. In any case it sounds like a wonderful adventure, the type that will be remembered and treasured.

  4. Another vote for LoVE. One syllable, cute, a bit of irony. Yep, I agree it will never be forgotten whatever you call it!

  5. UN-SAFE & LoVE. I can't decide. I blame my personality. ;)

  6. OK - i'm going to throw a monkey wrench into this one. i was looking at your options and thought what if you combined two and switched some words around - you would get LoV Ex-URTS - Lake Victoria (via) Exploring Uganda, Ruwanda, Tanzania and Somemore...ok that last one is a stretch but "K"enya just didn't fit - Safari might work if you do that in Kenya?? well anyway - that's my two cents....

  7. Dear Jennifer and Scott,
    How about UR TAKES PASS--Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya: Seeing Pals and Sparring Siblings.
    In my family, when boredom set in on a car trip, my kids entertained themselves by stirring up their siblings. It does create excitement!
    Your circuit sounds amazing though, so I vote for TRIP. You two are the best travel agents ever. And thanks for writing. God bless you, Judy in HMB

  8. I'd vote for LoVE too! Feel like I"m back in Africa reading your posts! Miss you all & blessings to Caleb & Luke as they return to school!

    Jennifer for the Cheds
