Saturday, August 08, 2009

Praying Away

While we are away . . . not sure how often we will be able to post, so leaving you with a summary prayer request for our team:

Bundibugyo Team Praise Items
1.  Scott closed up the Kwejuna Project after five years of partnership with the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation.  The work will continue, but has now been put completely into the hands of Ugandans in the district.  Over this time period we enrolled 46,539 women in prenatal care, identified over a thousand as new HIV-positive patients who needed treatment, and increased health-unit-based deliveries three-fold.  Many heard the gospel, many were prayed for, and many more got a very concrete picture of God's love in the help extended to them.
2.  God blessed us with many sweet reunions this summer as we hosted former team mates, family members, and potential recruits.  We are asking God to call at least four of them back for long-term service.
3.  As we entered into a season of evaluation and planning for Christ School, God very graciously led us to two excellent consultants who reaffirmed the value of the school and encouraged us with vision for its potential, while also giving practical advice that would enable us to improve sustainability and performance.  The next step will be a visit from Paul and Ward in the first week of September, so pray God would continue to make the path forward clear in that time.

Bundibugyo Team Prayer items:
Our theme for 2009:  "By prayer and partnership, investing in emerging Ugandan leadership as we work together to show the compassion of Jesus to the poorest."  
1.  Pray that we would become, more and more, people of prayer, waiting upon God's powerful rescues, seeing His Kingdom come.
2.  Pray for our partnerships, specifically with large NGO's that help supply our nutrition programs (UNICEF, NuLife); and with other Christian churches and educational institutions that could assist us in improving Christ School.
3.  Pray for leadership to emerge in the church, in health, in agriculture, and most of all at Christ School, where we desperately seek a qualified committed Ugandan Head Teacher.  Pray that we would wisely formalize the boards of governance for the school in a way that protects the vision of raising up Christian leaders for Bundibugyo.
4.  Pray that we would not grow weary in showing the compassion of Jesus to the poorest . . . our patient load has dramatically increased in the last few months, and we are stretched to the limits.

Thanks for your prayers!

1 comment:

  1. I will add your requests to my prayer list. You are doing work I could never do, only wish I could.

    Request--would you be willing to email me the photo, a few posts down, of Barb and John Elwood praying with a woman? I would love to present them with it upon their return to New Jersey. I am so sorry to bother you about it. I just can't think of another way to get it...

    My email is
