Thursday, September 03, 2009

It was God's plan

Today's New Vision ran a full-page feature article in the "People" section on Monday Julius, the young medical student sponsored by the Dr. Jonah Kule Memorial Leadership Fund.  The top of the page quotes Julius as saying "I do not count myself a hero, it was God's plan to use me to serve His people" and then in bold print "He stayed behind to fight Ebola when his fellow medics fled". In spite of that hype, Julius' humble and serving spirit shines through the article, calling him a "born-again Christian" and noting his World Harvest scholarship.  And his smiling but studious picture features a wedding ring, too.  He may not feel like a hero, but I hope he is a role model for many other young men in Uganda, simply doing the right thing in caring for patients and remaining faithful to community, marriage, and job.


  1. Yay, Julius! Your American "friends" and fans are proud of you!!!
