Wednesday, September 02, 2009

a joy in the journey

This long journey around Lake Victoria is nearing its end.  And one of the joys has been the moments of slow dinners, reflective conversations, soul-encounter, with fellow travelers.  We took off the time to be with our kids, and that was gloriously necessary and good.  But in God's providence, looking back, I am amazed at the number of times our road intersected with others.  Ashley was our initial companion, we drank in three days with the Massos in SW Uganda, our former intern Joel met up with us in Rwanda, we visited another former intern and family in Mwanza.  Then of course Kijabe, where in addition to the reconnections with RVA folks we had a fireside evening of catching up with a doctor-family who also worked in Uganda two decades ago, and several shorter visits with people we have known over the years.  Back in Kampala we spent two nights with Soctticus and Jane, who have one-month consultant jobs with UNICEF, and who are gourmet cooks on the side, and expert at  making us feel welcome.  We even met the Pierces yesterday to see G-force, which was probably the most fun for Jack and Quinn but the rest of us enjoyed their joy, too.  And then to top ALL of that off, our former pastor who is now a missionary in Karamoja with his family, was also in town running errands, and the 9 of us caught up over lunch at the mall's food court, commiserating (they left two daughters in college in the US, just as we have left two sons in high school in Kenya).  As we parted and Al hugged Scott and called him "friend", it hit me deeply how valuable this connection was for our souls.  So as we begin to look towards home, I am thankful for the friendships which God brought along to sustain us along this journey.  We are designed for community, and the draughts of friendship we have enjoyed over the last few weeks have been life-giving, and reminders of how thankful we are for the team to whom we return soon.

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