Monday, September 14, 2009


A tribute to the leading hunger-fighter of our times, from today's Washington Post:

Norman E. Borlaug, 95, an American plant pathologist who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 for starting the "Green Revolution" that dramatically increased food production in developing nations and saved countless people from starvation, died Saturday at his home in Dallas.  "More than any other single person of this age, he has helped provide bread for a hungry world," the Nobel committee said in honoring him. 

Let us thank God for a tough Norwegian farmer-stock no-nonsense and hard-working hero who used science to save countless lives.  As I was doing rounds today on some pitiful kids, I was strengthened in my conviction that no child should die of hunger.  There are many diseases we can not reverse, but a simple lack of food is unconscionable.  And as thankful as I am for UNICEF milk and the generosity of our donors, agricultural improvements which percolate through the whole society over a decade or a generation give the best hope for real change.  And mental and spiritual changes which make those agricultural improvements possible (embracing hope, working cooperatively, living in stable relationship) are the real source of lasting development.  I'm thankful this evening for Dr. Borlaug and all those who follow in his footsteps.


  1. Just watched a tribute to him on McNeil-Lehr Newshour last night and was reminded how the Lord works so powerfully through what we are passionate about...

  2. Borlaug was a gift to our generation. But the world needs more. And it needs a revolution in behavior. Amen to your comments. Judy in hmb
