Thursday, October 15, 2009

Goats for the Hungry

The third batch of Christmas-goats went out today, the real beasts that were purchased as tidy decorative ornaments last Christmas.  Eighteen more families were blessed. I slipped into the back row first thing this morning, as Pastor Kisembo preached from James about real religion combining faith and love, and God's love being tangibly shown not just in these goats but in the gift of His only child.  Lammech and John thanked the women for coming and challenged them to see this blessing as one which they could then return upon others as they brought back the kid-goat offspring.  But the highlight for me was Maculate.  Early this year she landed on our pediatric ward, the embodiment of the prophecy of the pitiful newborn left in the desert (Ezekiel 16).  She had little intact skin from a terrible infection, and we sent HIV tests which came back positive.  Her mom was about 16 and almost as pitiful as she was, quite ill and thin and struggling.  I thought we should offer compassionate care, but truly believed this baby had little chance of survival, and the mom not much more.   Now Maculate  is a solid, healthy toddler, miraculously UNinfected.  She and her young mom were seated front and center, waiting for their goat.  A completely transformed story, a young mom grasping onto life, and a baby who can grow and live.  I love seeing the revival of hope.

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