Monday, October 12, 2009


This was a long-weekend break with our family all together, designed to be about fun and togetherness, but in God's mercy we are thankful that the last day has been one of healing.  Prayer.  MANY hours of sleep, small forays back into eating and drinking, sun, quiet.  A few dozen tablets of cipro all around.  The wilted kids have revived, and we are very grateful to have one more day together relatively healthy .. . As one of the kids reminded us, our original plan for this break had been to pioneer the Juba/bus route to Mundri, South Sudan .. hard to imagine what a disaster THAT would have been.  Grateful for unseen and unanticipated pushes from one plan to the next, protection of those with the least body reserves in our family and team (except Assusi .. ), and just this space to heal.


  1. I am glad everyone is beginning to feel better. And that you had the space and time to rest during this illness. May God pour His blessings out on all of you and those who work with you.

  2. I feel a little closer to you guys. Not miles wise yet but I have had the flu this weekend and feel your pain. I've been praying for my future team as I lay here :)... fellowship of sufferings. Can't wait to be with you

  3. Praying for some fun together now that the race to the bathroom is slowing down. God, bless the Myrhes in amazing ways that only You can dream!
