Monday, October 05, 2009

On Fixing

It seems that here on earth, we have to do a lot of tinkering. Some of it relatively trivial, and some not, but in a splintering world that tends to disorder, energy is constantly required for survival. In our life, much of that falls to Scott. If it's not the motorcycle it's the fridge, if it's not the fridge it's the cow, if it's not the cow it's something else. Everyday something breaks or goes wrong, and if it can be pieced back together in ten minutes we rejoice; if it sucks in the entire day we moan; and if it's beyond repair we wonder if we can just do without it. Today's issue is the internet WAP, the little transmitter that allows the rest of the team to connect to the signal that is based at our house. It is located in a high central point, namely just under the roof-ridge of the Community Center. And in last night's Julia-Bday-storms, it gave up the ghost at last, after about five years of service. So Scott had to search out a ladder to extend up 25 feet, risk the cloud of disturbed bats, and is now spending the rest of the day trying to resurrect some old equipment to replace the broken parts. Of course it is important for our team to have their life-line to family and friends, but it is also tearing a pretty large hole in the fabric of the week . . .
Some things are a bit more important to fix. Balyejukia Godfrey is 17, though he looks like he's 12. He must have contracted Rheumatic Fever sometime in his early years, because his heart is now severely affected. He is surviving but definitely not thriving, because he needs a new mitral valve (at least). This surgery is not possible yet in Uganda, though for about 15 thousand dollars it is possible to go to India. For a family in Bundibugyo, 15 thousand dollars, 5 thousand dollars, a million dollars, it is all unthinkably out of reach. Teenage boys hit close to MY heart these days, so when he came to see me a couple of weeks ago I went on-line and found out that various hospitals like UNC and DC Children's send teams to Mulago here in Uganda to evaluate patients, and that Samaritan's Purse has a program to assist needy children who have to be sent out of the country for surgery. And by grace it turns out that a team is coming next week, and agreed to evaluate our patient. We are praying that he is chosen for care, soberly aware that not all the children who need cardiac surgery in Uganda will get it.
Fixing the internet, or fixing a heart. Fixing the internet signal SO that we can connect a patient to a potential fix for his heart.
It strikes me that God does not offer a fix, but a new creation. Create in me a clean heart, oh God. He is not in the business of tinkering for survival, but in radically restoring, in making all things new. Hoping.


  1. I had to swallow hard not to cry at the end of your entry.How true.

  2. Amy Pasqualini10/05/2009 7:40 PM

    Happy Birthday to Julia! I'm amazed at the looks like lots of fun for everyone in Julia's honor!
    I'll be praying for the sweet young man in your last post that needs surgery. May God provide the right eyes to see his need and hearts that will have mercy on him and provide the care he needs soon. Please keep us posted on how the visit goes next week. Praying for you all!
