Monday, November 23, 2009

Six still standing

Last week I posted pictures of a handful of kids "standing in the need" of prayer. I'm sure many people ARE praying, and deserve an update.  From top to bottom:  Baluku's grandmother is smiling, as he's put on a whopping 300 grams which is a 10% increase in body weight on the formula we buy with BundiNutrition donations, AND the first drops of breast milk are appearing in her breasts in response to his starvation-eager sucking. in spite of the fact that the last and only baby she nursed was 14 years ago, the teenage mom who just died.  Bhitigale just left my house a few minutes ago, we were able to get him a slot for surgical drainage of his infected knee joints, and he's on his way to Bundibugyo. Nyangoma and Kato both reached their target weights today (!!) but are still weak and floppy-toned, and need a major social-work plan for discharge.  The preemie went home today with her delighted mom, the smallest baby yet to survive in our care.  Spice, and her colleague Birungi Chris, are smiling and drinking their milk and taking their medicines, inching their way towards a longer survival in spite of their eventually-fatal disease (maybe they'll outlive some of us).  And ScottWill shouldered at least half the burden of the day, and Nathan got a kid to at least NOT CRY when we examined him by giving him a car, so all in all many signs of mercy.


  1. Thank you for the update. I have their names on my table and have been praying.

  2. Amy Pasqualini11/23/2009 1:13 PM

    I've got their names and pictures in my glad to hear the good reports! Please keep the updates coming...I'll keep praying!
