Wednesday, November 11, 2009

You say hello, goodbye

Anna Linhart arrived almost two weeks ago, and already feels like a very integral part of our team. Pray for her to really engage in language learning and cross-cultural friendship even as she finds her feet in ministry with our kids as a teacher at RMS, and with the CSB orphan sponsorship program.

Scott Will, otherwise known as Superman, has been here for a month, working as a physician assistant at the health center, and reaching out to neighborhood kids. And just being an all-around voice of cheer and sanity and passion for God. He is committed to Mundri, Sudan, but in a clever deal negotiated in the smoky inner board rooms of WHM, we get him until the end of January.

Today Dan Thrush departed after a one-month rotation as a Physician Assistant student, half of that time accompanied by his wife Karen who is a marriage and family therapist and did play therapy with the kids on the ward. We are not-so-subtly praying and begging that they come back to Africa with WHM after finishing school.

Barb Ryan landed on the airstrip a few hours ago, and has a week-long agenda of love. She has come in a pastoral care capacity to listen and counsel and re-connect with us, after spending a month here last year with her husband Skip.

The Massos landed for an interlude from Sudan . . . Karen and kids now, Michael to join soon. This is an opportunity for some closure before the Pierces move on next year, and gives time for organizing their old house for the Johnsons to move in (we hope by January). But mostly it's just great to see their familiar faces and bask in their friendship.

1 comment:

  1. Great picture of the girls! I am especially fond of the one on the left. Please say "HI!" to Barb and tell her Lisa and I will be praying for her time with your team.
