Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Early Thanks

A few early Christmas presents this year:  first, hugely, that a major donor who had been contemplating covering two salary positions at CSB for 2010 decided to commit to that, a gift of about fifteen thousand dollars.  We are so thankful that this man and his family put their support behind the school, a sign to us that God continues to have plans there!  Second, also hugely, that a church in the US decided to fund the Mundri, Sudan's team housing needs, appealed to a donor and came up with fifty thousand dollars for them.  They are currently living in a rented house and tents, rather squeezed.  This will allow them to complete construction on several small locally appropriate houses for the team as well as for the Bishop (see WHM Sudan "Beyond My Faith" blog link for story).  Thirdly, we've heard from a few other donors who are willing to support either nutrition or CSB, and are waiting for year-end-accounting to figure out where the need is greatest next.  And lastly, about fifty of the goat ornaments have been claimed, raising almost ten thousand dollars.  It's not too late to get one if you haven't!  We're hoping the project will get close to twenty thousand dollars to continue through 2010 (see link on our sidebar, "Give-a-Goat", which takes you to the WHM site).

All of these are specific answers to prayer,  signs of God's blessing, being given to our team, in order to bless others, which is His pattern for work in the world.  To conclude with more of Isaiah (65 this time):

They shall build houses and inhabit them;
They shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit . . 
It shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; 
And while they are still speaking, I will hear.
They shall not hurt of destroy in all my holy mountain,
Says the LORD.

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