Sunday, February 28, 2010


We celebrated Caleb's 15th early, together, the last day we were in Kenya with him. But today is his real birthday, and it is sad to be apart. His dorm parents and guardians will recognize the Bday later in the week I think, but today he's kind of on his own. This, right now, is the cost, paid by our kids and our parents and us. It is mostly worth it, by faith it is ALL worth it, but that does not mean that we don't feel the sorrows along the way.
Meanwhile we are steaming in soggy Bundibugyo, the tropical rain forest where clouds smother in unseasonable dampness. And Luke is shivering in Boston, as the East Coast gets yet another snow storm, concluding a weekend interview and hoping to get on a plane tonight back to Kenya. Life goes on, the Saturday surge of people and issues and contracts and money owed, domestic disputes next door, disappointing grades as exam results come back for some, future plans for our boys, issues at school, neighbors who are sick, projects, demands. And today, the return to normal rhythms, breakfast with the Johnsons and Nathan, greetings at church. In the midst of separation and uncertainty the song we sang this morning comes to mind . . "kangumire hali Yesu" . . I cling to Jesus.


  1. Happy Birthday to Caleb. I thought about you all yesterday know ing his Bday was coming up!

    Jack is just around the corner!

  2. Happy Birthday to Caleb, and I hope those around him made him feel special today as your family did earlier in the week. My prayers are with all of you every day as you continue to sacrifice what is temporal for what is eternal. I know that God is more than pleased and honored by the sacrifices you make each and every day - what a sweet aroma your lives are to Him. With love - Cindy
