Friday, March 05, 2010


The vision for CSB has centered on raising up servant-hearted leaders for Bundibugyo.  Spend a little time anywhere here, and you will see that this is a desperate need for Bundibugyo (and the rest of the world!), men and women of integrity with the skills and humble hearts to serve others, to bless as they have been blessed. Sort of a central reason for our continued existence on earth when you think about it.

So Scott chose this theme when he was invited to speak at chapel this week.  He talked about leadership qualities, and then the story of how Samuel chose David to anoint as King of Israel.  People look for wealth, power, height, money, success . . . but God looks at the heart.  Then he took them to Psalm 51:  how do we get a heart that is ready to lead?  We ask God to create a new, pure, holy heart within us.  And He will, because He delights to do so.  By grace these kids can become the leaders of their families, their clans, their district and their nation.

Inspiring stuff, when you're sitting in a packed-out standing-room-only chapel, more students and staff present than ever.  Deus is leading this way, and people are following.  We are thankful for God's ongoing work at CSB, building on the efforts of the missionaries who have led up to now.  It is a huge job for Scott, though, to enable the staff to carry on this vision, to provide the financial accountability and motivation that keeps the school going, now without any other missionary standing with us there for the first time.  He needs prayer to keep the budget balanced (or at least not any more imbalanced than it was left) in the face of staff demands for this and that.  He needs patience to love people well, to support Deus, to deal with the lack of water and the constant crises.  

And we need more servant-leaders, missionary and Ugandan, to love this generation of teenagers who are emerging as the leaders of this new millennium.  I look into the sea of faces and see great kids, who have made mistakes, who need security and challenge and good examples.  And I look outside the gates and see dozens of other schools, thousands of other students, equally hungry.  Who need sports programs and clubs, who need accurate teaching and loving discipline, who need goals and dreams and the gift of positive adults in their lives.  Pray.  Ask God to send us the same kind of out-of-the box points-to-His-power help at CSB that He's begun to reveal in the medical sector.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this. We can hardly wait to be there and meet you all.

    We are praying.
