Monday, April 12, 2010


Decisions loom this week.  We celebrate God's abundance in giving Luke (our 17-yr-old senior in HS) six amazing choices for college, excellent schools with financial aid beyond what we dared hope.  This is a kid who has only spent 2nd grade in America, and now he's heading off to college there.  And Nathan, in his second year of working very hard here as a nutrition manager, football coach, and biology teacher, has options at several top medical schools.  And Sarah, who just completed over two years of teaching and working with nutrition programs, must also choose between excellent public health graduate programs.  Please pray for all three of them.  The God who whispers and asks questions gives them freedom in choosing their next steps along His paths.  With that freedom comes a certain weight of responsibility, mixed with the joy and relief that the bizarre turn they have taken (be it 2 years or 17) through Bundibugyo has not closed the door to higher education.  All want to serve God with their degrees, most likely in difficult places.  All their options are good ones.  Pray for clarity as they ponder them, and peace as they reach conclusions.  And for us, the parents, the team leaders, the one-step-back advisors, to support and respect and cheer.  It feels like a significant week as these loved ones strike out on their paths.  Luke's will impact our next few years, too, and we also could use prayers for clarity and peace.

1 comment:

  1. This gives me so much hope! Thank you for sharing that. As we start on the journey to becoming "real missionaries" for the long haul, there is some fear about college for the kids, etc. this is the second story this week we've heard about mk's getting great scholarships and getting accepted at several schools. It's such good news! We are so happy for you. Christi (Mass0) byerly
