Monday, June 28, 2010

Bundibugyo ebolavirus, the official story

This was published on a CDC website this month, authored by the team from Uganda's Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization who responded to the crisis:

A friend sent me the link today, and I have read it with a mixture of memories, the stomach-pit reality of those 39 deaths returns quickly, the fear and uncertainty that once gripped this place still feels very fresh.  But the list of authors also reads like a list of heros, the men and women who descended upon Bundibugyo and set up isolation wards and contact-tracing methods and burial teams, who ferried blood samples and held daily briefing meetings.  

So let us pause and remember the fallen.  And remember those still picking up the pieces in the wake of tragedy, like Melen.  And thank God for those who persevere in seeking out the source, and the cure.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the link.

    I caught the tail-end of the epidemic and recall seeing you and your husband at a couple of recon meetings at the district headquarters.
